Call-Back Trigger
--Assume you have many application servers running EHCache. You need to make
--sure that these caches have the latest data from the database. Doing a
--total cache refresh on a periodic basis is not feasible because there
--is a large amount of data and only a small percentage of it gets updated.
--Instead, you want the database to send the latest data to the
--caches upon updating corresponding database data.
Create Or Replace Trigger Call_back
Before Update Of Prod_limit, Current_prod_cnt
On Prod_total
Referencing New As New Old As Old
For Each Row
When(New.Current_prod_cnt >= New.Prod_limit)
Pragma Autonomous_transaction;
L_web_page Clob;
Err_sqlerrm Varchar2(150);
L_host_name Qsn_app.App_server.Host_name%Type;
L_port_name Qsn_app.App_server.Port_name%Type;
L_uri_string Varchar2(1999);
L_xml_string Varchar2(1999);
-- Build the url string which includes the primary key and new data
-- The jsp will know what to do when it gets this URL data
-- Obviously ,your url must match the specification
-- that your Java programmer give you.
L_xml_string :=
|| 'action=update&cacheName=com.myco.product.'
|| 'prod.common.entity.ProdKey&cacheKey='
|| :New.Prod_total_key
|| '&cacheData='
|| '<?xml version = 1.0><ROWSET><ROW num=1?><PROD_LIMIT>'
|| :New.Prod_limit
|| :New.Current_prod_cnt
-- if the web page does not come back within 5 seconds, stop waiting
-- and report the problem
-- app_servers is a table with the names of hosts which are hosting the
-- caches which need to be updated.
For Cur1 In (Select Host_name, Port_name
From App_servers)
-- assign variables to scope outside of loop so
-- exception handling can use them
L_host_name := Cur1.Host_name;
L_port_name := Cur1.Port_name;
-- prefix your URL with the Protocal, HOST, PORT that you are currently
-- going to call
L_uri_string :=
Utl_url.Escape( 'http://'
|| Cur1.Host_name
|| ':'
|| Cur1.Port_name
|| L_xml_string);
-- Send the data via HTTP GET to the target server
Select Httpuritype.Createuri(L_uri_string).Getclob() Web_page
Into L_web_page
From DUAL;
-- inspect the resulting web page to see if things went good or bad
-- if the HTTP call timed-out, (more than 5 seconds),
-- l_web_page will be null
If INSTR(L_web_page, 'SUCCESS') = 0
(Pprogramname => 'call_back',
Pprogramlocation => 'cache refresh failed ',
Perrormsg => 'error',
Pmsg_line1 => 'ProductKey = '
|| :New.Prod_total_key,
Pmsg_line2 => 'Host_name = '
|| L_host_name,
Pmsg_line3 => 'Port_name = '
|| L_port_name,
Pmsg_line4 => SUBSTR(L_web_page,
End If;
End Loop;
When Others
Err_sqlerrm := SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 150);
(Pprogramname => 'call_back',
Pprogramlocation => 'Serious Error',
Perrormsg => Err_sqlerrm,
Pmsg_line1 => 'ProductKey = '
|| :New.Prod_total_key,
Pmsg_line2 => 'Host_name = '
|| L_host_name,
Pmsg_line3 => 'Port_name = '
|| L_port_name,
Pmsg_line4 => Null);
End Call_back;
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